Saturday, 21 September 2013

21.9.13 Fascia and Gutter delivered

This week will be big on site. Site clean up to be done and roof will be started too. Fascia and gutter have already been delivered for work to start Monday or Tuesday. 

Our fascia is dune colour with roof and gutter both monument. 

Friday, 20 September 2013

20.9.13 Brickwork Completed

Got a txt this afternoon that finally our brickwork is finished. The brickies were only suppose to be there for two weeks but ended up being almost 3 weeks. The work looks good. We have to wait until the bricks are washed and then see how our house comes up.

We met our new SS this week who told me that the roof is going up next week.

I guess a couple of more weeks and our exterior should be complete. 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

12.9.13 Brickwork Update III

I dropped in today to see the progress of our brickwork. I didn't expected  huge progress but was glad to see the house shaping up nicely. It has been slow couple of weeks when you look back and think how fast everything else associated with the build has been.

The brickies are really good and and they think they should be finished by next week. It been really hot off late but rain is predicted. I hope it stays away...Fingers Crossed!!!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

7.9.13 Brickwork Update II

Today we visited our block to see how our brickwork is progressing which started a week back. The site supervisor Shane rang me this week and told me that it will take a good 2 weeks for the brickwork to be finished. He mentioned that the brickies are really good and the quality of workmanship would not let us down. We were happy with that if the end product is good as we pay so much money for McDonald Jones Homes.

We weren't expecting huge progress but were eager to see how our bricks look in real.The brickies were working and we had a good chat with them. They seemed really good and we were really happy with the quality of the work too. We also liked the shade of the brick.

Hoping weather continues to stay as good as it has been for last few weeks so that all our exterior work stays on track.

Front Facade now looking good

Alfresco area looks fairly decent. Will be concrete and tiled after handover.

Laundry LIN1 door to be installed

Sunday, 1 September 2013

1.9.13 Brickwork Update I

We visited our property this morning to see how is our bricks looking. As the brickwork only started on Friday we weren't expecting much work to be done but just wanted to see how our bricks are looking on a nice sunny day. We kinda like the colour and were happy how it looks so far. We still have to wait for the final product after its all been cleaned so see how it looks. Although our feature brick Urban Pepper seems like it will chip of easily. I hope I am wrong fingers crossed.

The next 7 day forecast seems really good with clear weather  on the way so the brickwork should be finished by the end of this week.